pots of tulips summer quilt

Summer Quilt

Unknown Quilt Maker
Collected in Northern California
74 x 74 inches
Circa 1940
Cotton and Rayon

Folky and Cheery

What wonderful color, design and workmanship in this circa 1940
summer quilt.

Some quilts just seem to have the perfect ratio of surface design
to ground. And the way she "bordered" it with arcs of flowers!

The quilt maker edged her hand pieced and hand appliqued quilt
with a separately applied red cotton binding.

The perfect finish for this charming mid 20th century American textile.
Lightweight, with no batting and no back. Finished edge.

The quilt is in EXCELLENT CONDITION with no wear,
tears, holes, fading, stains or fabric weakness.

Check out the incredible hand embroidery (matching blanket stitch) around
every outside line. It's hard to imagine how long that took!

Price: $685
** Sale Price  ~  $485 **

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