wheel of fortune

Unknown Quilt Maker
Collected in ____
70 x 86 inches
Circa 1940
Silks and satins

**** Sparkle ** Plenty  ****

Hang up this mesmerizing quilt  ~ and set yourself up as Palm Reader:
Madame (or Monsieur) "Nose-All" ??

But I digress ...

This mid-20th century "Wheel of Fortune" quilt is in Very Good Condition,
with the only apology a rough binding.

Fortunately, the person who made this quilt put in some solids in the wheels, 
or our eyes might never get a rest here.   Sparkle!

Almost all of the fabrics here are shiny;
the quilt dances with color and joy.

Beautifully hand embroidered over every seam,
the threads, too, a rainbow of colors!

Price: $635

(click on photos for larger images)
