pixie flower

"Pixie Flower"

Unknown Quilt Maker
Collected in New Mexico
74 x 94 inches
Circa 1940

"Pixie Flowers" ...

...is the name we have given this marvelous quilt design,
which we are quite sure is an original.

It is in a style that had a small heyday in the 1920s, 30s and 40s,
 when commercial designers such as Anne Orr, the most famous of them,
saw that "charted designs" (used for crochet and needlepoint)
could be transferred to quilt making.

All that was needed was for quilt makers to use squares and rectangles
in place of the stitches used in the other forms.

Here's a to a
very good short article on Anne Orr and this "pixilated"style.

We looked and looked for another example like this, or a pattern,
and now believe that a quilt maker created this unique repeated Flower,
 employing the concept behind the commercial examples.

Using only squares and rectangles,
the quilt maker carefully organized to make a pixilated flower image.

*** Gazillions of small pieces ***
Hand quilted.

Recently professionally laundered, the quilt is clean, and in

It's a generous size, 74 x 94 inches, large enough to work on a modern bed.
It would also look wonderful on a wall.

Price:  $735

(click on photos for larger images)
