Unknown Quilt Maker
Collected in Ohio
75 x 75 inches
Circa 1890
Teeny Tiny Pieces ~ Beautiful Hand Quilting
Here's a beauty:
a classic two color Double Ninepatch that "reads like an Irish Chain.
The pieces are so small -- each little Double Pink square
measures just under 3/4 inch each!
And there are lots of them, all very precisely pieced.
The quilt is very well made, with beautifully hand quilted
feather wreaths in each alternate white block.
We love the border s/he chose. Brings it all together,
while distinguishing the whole quilt, too.
Here's a beauty:
a classic two color Double Ninepatch that "reads like an Irish Chain.
The pieces are so small -- each little Double Pink square
measures just under 3/4 inch each!
And there are lots of them, all very precisely pieced.
The quilt is very well made, with beautifully hand quilted
feather wreaths in each alternate white block.
We love the border s/he chose. Brings it all together,
while distinguishing the whole quilt, too.
Price: $OLD
(click on photos for larger images)
Labels: LISTED 10-30-14READY TO LIST 10-14-14 75x75 M-D-T-12 500, SOLD 3/5/15